Hari Belia Terbang (HBT) is dedicated to sparking curiosity and passion for aviation among youth. Through hands-on experiences and innovative learning programs, we aim to empower the next generation of aviators and drone enthusiasts.

Blending Digital and Physical Learning

The Phygital Flight Experience (PFE) is a unique program that combines digital simulation with real-world drone flying.
Participants start with a mobile simulator app, mastering basic controls, and then transition to controlling actual drones in a safe environment.

How It Works

Digital Segment

Participants begin their journey with a mobile simulator app. They learn the basic controls of a drone through engaging challenges, such as collecting stars and racing against time.

Phygital Segment:

Moving from the digital world, participants take control of real drones inside a safe, controlled environment. This phase focuses on hovering and basic maneuvering skills.

Physical Segment:

In the final phase, participants apply their skills to navigate drones through obstacle courses. This practical application reinforces their learning and builds confidence.

Below are the simulator app that we use during Hari Belia Terbang.

Links Below.

Link Below

PFEK by Afiq Azhari